At this “Musical Paradise” & “Town of Tournaments”
in the 2nd largest country in the World!
special occasions @ thE rEC cENTRE vALENTINES dAY - FRIDAY - fEBRUARY 14, 2025 mANAPOGO fESTIVAL - SATURDAY - mARCH 8, 2025 nEW yEARS eVE - WEDNESDAY - dECEMBER 31, 2025 Only 450 seats available. Menu & prizes & entertainment coming. Stay Tuned!
THE ARENA & AMPHITHEATRE - preliminary events Metis Days - August 1, 2, 3, & 4, 2025 - 4 days
Music City Manitoba June 18 - August 15, 2026 - 59 Days June 17 - August 14, 2027 - 59 Days June 15 - August 12, 2028 - 59 Days June 14 - August 11, 2029 - 59 Days
The Promotional Events
Including great promotional appearances, in other towns. Stay Tuned! For Dates & Stuff!