welcome to

A 100,000 LAKES.


Music City Manitoba – St. Laurent

The “Town of Tournaments”

in the 2nd largest country in the World!



Best Photos Competition… Cash Prizes for top three.


A place for manitoba's full service entertainment centre
music city manitoba!

We had been looking at a number of towns in Manitoba that we believed would have been a good fit for this amazing tourist program, and in which we were considering locating our facility. After about 5 years of frustration, waiting, lack of communication, useless officials, with these towns, We have finally found what we were looking for!

 Once we have it up and running, like a well oiled machine, and paid for, we are going to donate the entire company, building, transportation program, and everything to the  town of St. Laurent, managed by a collective group of participating Manitobans. After they have been fully trained on all aspects of this project. 

Before we do that, we have to be sure that they are capable in keeping it going for many years to come, and that they are worthy of receiving such a generous donation. After a considerable amount of waiting on all the other towns we have approached, we have decided St. Laurent, MB, is the perfect place, and very capable of doing just that.

This Entertainment Centre when complete, will generate 100’s of millions of dollars per year for the community, employ 100’s of people with well – paying jobs, and will have the ability to deliver 100’s of thousands of tourists on a year – round basis.  With dozens of amazing sponsors to help maintain it for years to come.

We considered many things in our determination of this awesome gift, most of all the cooperation from these towns, their leaders, their attitude to progress, customer service, and how much they care about their citizenry. 

St. Laurent, Manitoba meets all those criteria, with flying colours.

Being able to have our 59 day Promotional Events in St. Laurent, and the amazing cooperation from the town, and their Recreation Centre personnel, has certainly helped in that determination. 

Now it is time to start to make North America & The World aware of what Manitoba has to offer! Not just by promoting hotels, casinos, and RV parks, but everything we have, out our backdoor. 

The nucleus of this project will be – St. Laurent, Manitoba, Canada.  

some of the Featured tournaments / events / services at a glance.

MCMs Great Photography Competition



“Looking Out Our Backdoor”

We have Everything, for Everyone, All the time.

We have it all, Let’s flaunt it all! 

at Music City Manitoba!