The Great Music City Manitoba Group Leader Program

This program has been set up to get a number of organizations such as legions, church groups, tour operators, and basically any organization that likes to have fun and get away for a day or two. 

It is very simple. We will pay you a commission for every motor coach that you fill up for us.

The top 3 groups or individual that fills up the most buses for us from now until the last day of the events of the year,

Will receive a huge bonus, as well.  Perfect for groups in dire need of funding.

Each group leader will be assigned a specific area. (towns & area) etc.

A motorcoach constitutes 56 seats or 28 couples. The idea is to find people that are reliable, dependable and honest, can bring out a number of these in the 312 – day program, that we have.

This program is open to anyone over 18 years old, in any town, province, or state, in North America.

The commission is based on where each motorcoach comes from. This will be discussed with each individual in charge of the group.   We supply posters, bus lists, room lists, etc. As well as prizes for the buses.   Each group leader will receive a Music City Manitoba exclusive people-only VIP card.  

As well as a Music City Manitoba jacket, hat & t-shirt. Win big money for being the best group leader!

  1. The top group leader will receive a bonus of $15,000.00 + a 12 – day trip to the Gulf of Mexico
  2. The 2nd top group leader will receive a bonus of $10,000.00
  3. The 3rd top group leader will receive a bonus of $ 5,000.00.  (a minimum number of buses per year is required for these bonus).
  4. Plus of course, the commission of each bus you fill-up. Plus 2 free seats per trip. 
  5. Deliver a minimum of 1 bus per month and we will give you a $100,000.00 sponsorship. (see our big boy sponsorship for all detail of what that entails)

The actual bonus program is subject to change and is directly proportional to the actual number of buses sold by the group leaders, involved in this program